Monday, July 4, 2011

Stank Ass

It fucking bothers me to see a woman who looks fucked up, but thinks her shit don't stink. Some other nasty trick who never washed her ass, basically taught her the same shit to another female. How do you do that we all are taught that your pussy, nuts and your ass should not smell like sweat and fish, yall can kiss my black ass, wash your nasty asses. To top it off, some of yall nasty tricks want to give that stank pussy away. You see just because you got a pussy, don't mean shit to this world. Oh! yeah changing your panties is not being clean, smiling and you won't wash your face and none of that good old soap, or brushing them teeth......So before you get in a mans face to give him some shugga, or bend the unwashed ass over, think twice their some pussy that looks, and smell better than yours....Please stop this nasty shit yall asses have been doing.


  1. Wow, you said it. I feel you. Keep it coming Yang, we're going hard, but at least it's the truth!!!

  2. Hell yeah we speak the truth even if the mother fuckas don't say we are doing or community a great service.
