Monday, July 4, 2011

It's called SELF-ESTEEM simple Bitch...

 I don't really like the B word and I will post another time why not but, I'm making a point here. Little girls need their fathers this we know. But at some point ladies we have to own our dignity, our pride our souls. You can't hold onto the fact that  you had no male role models in your life as a child your whole life. The reason you are giving up your goods to any dick swinging by, giving up your money, paying his bills, buying his clothes. While he drives your car and hangs with his boys or his other woman and it's cool is not your  NON EXISTENT daddies fault! This is your fault.  I don't want you all to think this blog is simply to rant. Yes, Yang and I have some real things we need to discuss but we aim to empower as well. Women we must take our power back. I have never seen so many fine(pause... no homo) women with such low esteem. If you have to jump through hoops and shit to keep this man, maybe it's best to let it go. Ask yourself seriously, what has he done for you lately?? Some of you need to ask EVER!!! It's time to love ourselves and I wish this post was for  the young ladies, but  some of you ol' heads are just as bad. (" You know you need an ass whoopin") If you think  this is your issue seek a little therapy ain't nothing wrong it, we all need to talk it out sometimes. Except anger management trust me...that shit don't work.

1 comment:

  1. Now thats what I'm talking about a ladies and gents my girl "Ying" ain't fucking with you all this is some real shit so stop letting a nigga or your bitch if you like pussy, thats ok to the concept is still the same. So stop making excuses for all that shit, be by yourself.
