How can you go through life getting plenty of dick, have 7 kids and turn to a clit. Hell I can tell how, a woman get fucked over so bad and so long, and drug through the mud, from this nigga to that nigga she gives up because the pussy ain't getting no attention anymore. What's real is that in the mist of having seven kids, and dick after dick going in her she wonder why she has had a desire to taste for pussy. In the mist of her financial struggles, a woman will get caught up, because no more men are showing her attention, but some ladies, lets should I say like pussy. You see a gay or lesbian women sometime seek virgins of the gay society. What I mean is it is a quest for some to be the first to make that virgin pussy that have never felt a female tongue, or experience before. You know just like a man finding a virgin woman, which we know that shit is far a few and you what the fuck I mean. I understand, I don't hate no player or no game, straight or gay, I'm just say, what the fuck will happen if we keep not knowing who the fuck we are, male or female, shit keeps happening, and it goes on and on you know, be real with you shit, if you like Dick or a clit or both, don't afraid to be you and do you.
bullshit ain't that much giving up in the world!!. If she gets with a woman she's had the desire to be with a woman all along!