Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Are You Hell Bond

If you could take a journey with God, would you stop your sin if he let you walk with him, and give you a glimpse of what “Hell” truly is? Can you imagine when your flesh dies; your soul could live in torment forever, in hell. Your soul could have the same abilities, to hear, smell, feel, and yes touch, what you will experience, if you don’t change your ways. The problem with a lot of believers is that for generations they have told about God, or his power, but yet they have never experienced who he really is, and what he is truly about, also how miraculous his power is. You see in one time or the other, you have had a “Revelation” or some event to let you know that you did make it through on your own. Like most folks it takes “Sickness” or tragic death for the reality of what will or can go wrong in life. So many humans live for the moment, but never think about the future.

Close your eyes, inhale 3 times the next time you get in bed. As you go to sleep just try and imagine how hell can be, and can you really grasp, that a lot of people are going straight to hell. I hope it scares you enough to at least reevaluate what path you are on.

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