Saturday, September 10, 2011

Big Girl

I'm a big girl so I can say what I am about to say, with no qualms. This woman to the left , big girl, fine as hell( pause), confident doing the damn thing. Men as we well know are visual creatures. It doesn't matter how fine, intelligent, how well you can cook or make him feel in bed.  More often than not he is looking for someone like thisfine as hell in her own right . But ladies I'm here to tell you. You are beautiful at any size. You don't have to let men dictate how fierce you are.  Everyone can't look like Bey, or Monique. But when you put on your shit, when you check that mirror for the last time before heading out. Be the best fucking thing walking. Don't go  out looking busted what the fuck is that about? Do you see this shit?
This is extreme I know. Obviously something really wrong here that some  therapy might help.  But  the shit that pisses me off about some of my big sisters is some of the shit we put on. I am all about being confident in your skin.But damn, if you are going to  wear it dammit wear it well. Make sure it  wears you well Wear that shit in your muthafucking size. Not your little sis, cous, friend. Obviously homegirl has no friends or mirrors. Just because it comes in our size doesn't mean we need to have that shit on. I'm just saying have a little pride. Confidence comes from within. If you carry yourselves like queens then you will be treated like one. No matter the size, perhaps I'm crazy, or maybe just blessed because I have no esteem issues. I've been told since I was a child how beautiful I am , how I can be anything, do anything I want. I understand that not all have had this fortune. I just want us to get it together. Another thing that pissses me the hell off. Don't allow yourselves to be treated lke a second class citizen because you have a little girth. if  it's counsel you need then get some. Just don't give up on yourselves. When that brother you want don't want that size 22, tell his ass to move on and stop taking his shit. Why the hell are you trying to please him anyway? don't believe that no one else wants you. Trust me, they do. Tell him go find what he's looking for. Just try it  is all I'm asking, love yourself, care about yourself more than anything but God.

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