Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Change Is Needed

Ladies the first thing you need to get a man’s attention is to have respect for yourself, and have attainable “Expectations” for yourself and from the man you seek. Without having expectations you get nothing but “Shit”. Bring your “A” game if you got one, but me keeping this shit real, most of you offer a man is your pussy before he even know you can hold a decent conversation. Once you open your legs, before your mind you will never get what you want, because the man you fucked, after meeting him the same day, have no respect for your ass, and the chase is over. Ladies additionally, most of you don’t wash your ass, comb your, or wash your hair. Ladies you don’t even use any lotion, and other hygiene products. Putting on fresh panties, over a funky pussy don’t mix after a “Whores Bath” o.k. as “Wash Up” in the bathroom sink. Try and see yourself through the eyes of man, and ask yourself would you step to yourself? Let’s keep this shit “100”... hell no. Stop thinking just because you got a pussy that a man is supposed to bow or submit to your will. Ladies don’t forget that the ratio men to women is way off, so a man all he as to do is have a pulse, to get some pussy. So stop talking shit to a man, like he is beneath you and respect him, and respect yourself. Oh! Yeah how are you dressed when you go out in public, are your clothes clean, or do you walk around in a man’s boxer shorts on or with \your pajamas on, what the hell, really. If, you walk, talk, and dress like shit, the only man you will get is one like you dead, with no substance.
Ladies, present something to a man more than your pussy, let him see you and not smell you before you get to him. A change has to come, so get your shit together, don’t be so quick to start “Flat Backen”.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah this shit is real yang. But you know I'm gonna bring it!
