Friday, March 23, 2012

Killer With A Smile

As I struggle day and night trying not to fall asleep thinking about what I do in my dreams. My dreams changed from the reality of what I have desire to do while I am fully awake. As these dead sleep humans walk by me looking at me trying to see if fear them but what they can’t see is that I have killed before, and the thirst have never been removed from my thoughts and imagination. You see I’m passive by nature dealing with men, and in my personal relationships with women, but I will “FUCK YOU” up. My favorite choice of weapon of choice is a “Glock”. I remember early, when I killed for the very first time, it felt good, because I was in control. As the laser from my weapon made contact with the upper portion of his shoulder, I am so skilled that I saw the ligaments separate from his arms, and the blood splatter, as it the air, and the wind blew the smell of his blood and his fear down my lungs, I smiled turned around walked away. You see once you get a taste of killing, it’s like pussy, or crack for the very first time you will never forget.

You see I must stop, because you got “Profilers” that try to figure out how a cold and calculated killer with a face and charisma that can blend in at any level I choose. So the next time you make friends, or associate with someone, check them before they kill you.

Signed by “The Perfect Killer”

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